Friday, September 30, 2005

Cable Cast On

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I just started a a baby poncho with cables. After making a swatch to check my gauge, I decided that I didn't like the edge left by my regular cast on. It's too loose and loopy. So I went to The Knitter's Handbook by Montse Stanley to find a better-looking edge.

(I use this book almost every time I do a project. It's totally no-frills and the instructions and illustrations are utterly comprehensible. It's detailed and fairly complete. The chapter on casting on has detailed descriptions of 54 different variations.)

I chose the cable cast on. It's tidy and tight and makes a clean edge. For detailed instructions how to do it, click on "continue reading."

Cable Cast On
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1. Start with your regular old slip knot.
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2. Hold the needle with the slip knot in your left hand (unless your're left-handed, in which case reverse). Put the right-hand needle through the slip knot loop and knit a new loop.
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3. Slip the loop from the right-hand needle onto the left-hand needle.
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4. Now, slip the right-hand needle behind the loop you just made.
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5. Knit another new loop
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6. And slip it onto the left-hand needle.
Continue steps 4-6 until youo have cast on your desired number of loops.

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