Monday, May 23, 2005

Lawn Bowling, anyone?

Sacco's seems to have been taken over on Wednesday nights with bowling leagues and teenagers and will probably be pretty crowded throughout the summer, according to Matt (young, sarcastic Sacco's employee, not old cranky guy). So we were thinking about lawn bowling for the summer, maybe at the field on Holland Street. Or switching nights to one that is less crowded. What do you all think? Parasols and knit bikinis?


  1. I have a pétanque set we could try playing.
    As for the knit bikinis...I just saw this pattern today.

  2. Of course, this week, it will probably only be 45 degreed outside.

  3. steven's mom just showed me this hot little number, which we can be at work on — to impress even the most sarcastic of sacco's employees — for the fall time... But, yes, if the cold weather keeps up, we will be able to wear little wool skirts all the day long.
    I love the idea of lawn bowling... or picnic marbles... or... can anyone do a night other than wednesday? Monday? Thursday?

  4. I can do any weeknight, really. Who's going bowling tonight? We can talk about it in greater detail.
    As for the skirt, I am so over the flames. It's totally 2000.
