Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Animation Made Easy

Use this site to make incredibly easy flip-book animations. My first one is called "Birth."


  1. That's really cool, but we have to go out right now. Too animated to animate.

  2. Flipbook is great! Congratulations on "Birth." I like it. I've done three, but I think my best is "Rabbit Cartwheel." Can't draw many frames before it won't accept mousestrokes, but will get the hang of it soon. This may be due to Mozilla, says the FAQ.
    If Gloria didn't have to spend so much time on Emmanuel Levinas, she'd be loving Flipbook too.

  3. So: Birth and Rabbit Cartwheel (cute! more).
    By moi: Idéal, WRD, and Pong.
    Any others? Lift-off? Is that you Tracy? Nice animation. But... Shocking! Can't you be nice like Tatanini?

  4. Pong. Very good.
    I haven't done any others since that first day. Halloween has been gulping down every ounce of creative energy I have.
