Monday, December 17, 2007

Sock Wars

Sock Wars Winner

I saw the article about Sock Wars today on the front page of the Wall Street Journal.

I love to knit socks. I wish I'd known about it before. Players eliminate each other by knitting socks. If you are eliminated you have to mail the unfinished socks you are working on to the person who eliminated you, so that she can finish them off and eliminate another person.

Sock Wars has a Yahoogroup.

While looking for information about Soxk Wars, I came across a knitting blog I like called Yarnivation. I think but am not completely sure that the blog author Julie Gardner is the organizer of Sock Wars. I like the works in progress chart in the side bar. I want something like that.

Sock wars is not to be confused with the other Sock Wars, which is Star Wars acted out by sock puppets.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Two people sent me a link to KnitML yesterday.

The KnitML Project's main goal is to develop and promote adoption of a standard content model for knitting patterns. By developing a community-supported specification (KnitML) and providing basic rendering and transformation tools, the KnitML Project aims to make KnitML easy to use and valuable to the knitter.