I recently got this knitting and crocheting book at the Book Mill. It was published in the 1940s.
When I was looking through it, I was struck by how the illustrations for knitting books looked back then. The stuff they showed looked less perfect than the items in my modern knitting books. It looked more like how things really look after you hand knit them. All the pictures were black and white, which nowadays you really would never see. This image of a cute little girl in woolens holding her kitten by its neck was particularly hilarious:
But then I decided to pull out some of my modern knitting books to compare, and I discovered that the photos illustrating some of these are also fairly freaky. This are from Loop de Loop, which I bought mainly because it was on sale. They seem to have been trying to go for some kind of moody arty vibe with their illustrations.
This is the best weird image of the bunch, but there are several others in the book where the adults posing with children seem to be angry, resentful, psychotic, or suicidal.
Just put the child down. Slowly. Slowly.